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Possible Futures: Toward a New Grammar of Schooling
We are at a hinge moment in the history of our schools. A 120-year-old industrial structure is radically ill-equipped for the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic, much less what has been called the triple pandemic of COVID, racism and economic inequality, and fundamental threats to our democracy.
Less Schooling, More Learning
Anyone who works, or lives with kids, will have strong opinions on the ways they’re taught. Jal Mehta presents his unexpected findings after leading a nationwide project researching the best ways children learn.
Healing, Community, and Humanity: How Students and Teachers Want to Reinvent Schools Post-COVID
Understanding the experiences of students and teachers during pandemic schooling is vital to educational recovery and building back better.
Crisis creates opportunity. Will we seize it?
The Learning Professional recently interviewed Mehta about how the COVID-19 pandemic is changing teaching and learning and how to seize opportunities for improving schools moving forward
Make Schools More Human
The pandemic showed us that education was broken. It also showed us how to fix it.
Why Equity Has Been a Conservative Force in American Education—And How That Could Change
Over the past 15 years, at least since the passage of No Child Left Behind, equity has been more of a conservative than a liberating force in American education.
The Paradox of Leading for Deeper Learning
In the past few months, I have been talking with a number of district leaders who are trying to move their districts toward deeper learning for all.
Schools Already Have Good Learning, Just Not Where You Think
In a piece we recently published in Ed. Magazine, Sarah Fine and I argued that the “periphery” of schools was often more vital than the core.
A Pernicious Myth: Basics Before Deeper Learning
If there is one prevalent assumption that stands in the way of deeper learning, it is that you have to do “the basics” before you can engage in deeper learning.