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United We Learn: Hearing Kentucky's Voices on the Future of Education
In the spring of 2021, Jason E. Glass, Ed.D., Kentucky’s commissioner of education and chief learner, staged a series of stakeholder engagement efforts that led to the formation of the Kentucky Coalition for Advancing Education (KCAE).
How Deeper Learning Can Transform Schools
Twelve districts in the United States and Canada are remaking their schools to bring deeper learning for all, and their stories could change the entire field.
Why We Have Too Much of the Wrong Kind of Urgency and Too Little of the Right Kind in Education
The urgency around learning loss is keeping education spinning in place when the urgency we need is to reimagine schools and address deeply rooted challenges.
The Teachers Have Something to Say
To develop an in-depth, nuanced understanding of what teaching was like during the COVID-impacted 2020-21 academic school year, we interviewed 57 U.S. PK-12 teachers from across the country in public, charter, and private schools, at different grade levels, and in different subject areas.
Amplify, Hospice, and Create: How Schools Should Spend the Money from the American Rescue Plan Act
With American Rescue Plan Act funds, schools and districts can create three years of awesome and incredible experiences for their students, at a scale that we may never see again.
How Districts Can Empower Teachers to Lead Change
This post is by John Watkins, co-director of The Deeper Learning Dozen, and principal at Inquiry & Learning for Change. John is a coach, consultant, researcher, and evaluator with several decades’ experience in systemic reform in educational organizations.