Remaking systems, transforming schools

Deeper Learning Dozen works at every level of education to transform industrial-era systems into modern learning organizations that foster deep, purposeful, and equitable learning for all students and adults.

What we do

We work across all levels of the system to coach leaders, support teachers, facilitate workshops, build communities of practice and share our learning with the field. We bring together people who want to transform our education system so they can learn, draw courage from each other, and accelerate the transformation for all.

Deeper Learning

Deeper Learning is meaningful and engaging learning that occurs at the intersection of identity, mastery, and creativity, includes a sense of connection, and is about both learning outcomes and learning experiences. We help teachers, schools, districts, and systems develop learning experiences that connect head, hands, and heart, are purposeful, rigorous, and deep. 

Systems Transformation

While there are many examples of individual classrooms and schools where students experience learning in more rigorous and meaningful ways, there are few systems that support the spread of this kind of schooling. Many educators know they need to do something differently but feel constrained by the outdated structures that have been in place for so long. We help leaders redesign systems in ways that are more relational and purpose-driven. 

Human Schools

Human schools give the people within them, both students and teachers, agency, choice, and purpose in their work. They provide different kinds of opportunities for all kinds of students. They focus on raising young people in partnership with families, not simply transmitting knowledge. They consider their institutions as foundations of our democracy that prepare students to engage, improve and care for their communities

A project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education

Founded in 2018, the Deeper Learning Dozen addresses the new opportunities and demands districts and schools face as they work to spread access to deeper learning experiences for all. It is both an action project and an effort to learn and share what we are learning with the field.

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